Showing posts with label The Apprentice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Apprentice. Show all posts

Sugar to search for ‘Monty Python-esque’ Apprentice

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sir Alan Sugar is to begin a new search for an Apprentice to help him rein-act the ‘Four Yorkshiremen’ sketch

“Who’d of thought I’d get where I am today, I started with nowt y’know!”

This was following his rant about British small businesses being crap and no-one else in business today is anywhere near as good as he is.

He is then expected to recount the stories of how he made it to the top including:

“I started off selling cheap crap home computers until I brought a deluxe colour model out that didn’t actually facking work, shouldn’t have bought those hard drives from that paddy down the pub! Still, I made a facking killing on them though”

He will continue “Then I started selling crap stereos that looked fancy but only had a cheap Taiwanese tranny radio inside. Made a facking fortune on them!”

He added “In actual fact I’ve made a fortune selling cheap tat to the British public so it was only right that I got asked to advise Gordon Brown and Peter Mandleson on business issues.

Mandleson added “advisor, you wer lucky!”

If only every British Small Business could make a fortune by forgetting their morals and becoming a jumped little tit like Sir Alan, then maybe british banks would be more willing to lend too them.

Sir Alan, entrepreneurs salute you - COCK!

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What Is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C Information:

Hepatits C is a blood-borne viral disease which can cause liver inflamation, fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by blood-to-blood contact with infected person's blood. Many people with HCV infection have no symptoms and are unaware of the need to seek treatment. Hepatitis C infects an estimated 150-200 million people worldwide. It is the leading cause of liver Transplant...

Hepatitis C is an inflamation of the liver caused by infection with the Hepatitis C virus is one of the five known hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D & E. Hepatitis C was previousley known as non-A non-B hepatitis prior to isolation of the virus in 1989.

Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis C:

Acute Hepatitis C refers to first 6 months after infection with HCV. Remarkably, 60% - 70% of people develop no symptoms during the acute phase. In the minority of patients who experience acute phase symptoms, thet are generally mild and non-specific, and rarely lead to specific diagnoses of Hepatitis C. Symptoms of acute hepatitis C include decreased appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, itching and flu-like symptoms.

Symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis C:

Chronic Hepatitis C is defined as infection with the Hepatitis C virus persisting for more than six months. The course of chronic hepatitis C varies considerably from one person to another. Virtually all people infected with HCV have evidence of inflamation on liver biopsy however, the rate of progression of liver scarring (fibrosis) shows significant inter-individual variability.

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